Business and Professional Ethics Training and Certificate Program

Our Business and Professional Ethics Training and Certificate Program is designed to engagingly meet the needs of professionals and students in a series of courses that meet the requirements of a semester long business ethics course and beyond.

In a series of courses that includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including dyadic interaction, links to video, and psychometric evidence of ethics related variables, all of which shift norms, expectations and instill in participants a sense of professional ethical awareness, and responsibility in business.

Research Based

The Business and Professional Ethics courses are broken into several core areas, and can be combined to serve as a university level course in Business and Professional Ethics, or bundled for 3 levels of certification, basic, advanced or executive certifications for business and professional purposes. See Certifications for more information.

Ethics consists of the behavioral standards we hold ourselves in our personal and professional lives. We’ll assess the levels of honesty, empathy, and trustworthiness and other virtues by which we hope to guide our personal behavior which impacts our public reputation.

Ethics set norms for how we interact in our personal lives with other people and our environment. Professionally, ethics guides our interactions with customers, clients, colleagues, employees, employers, vendors and other stakeholders affected by our business practices.

In this course, we’ll apply ethical theory and practice to business practices and management. We’ll review different ethical systems, cultural variations, and ways organizations are impacted by ethics. The course will take place on the Brightsity platform, with all relevant materials embedded.

Learning Outcomes and related psychometric measures:

Upon successful completion of the course, a participant will be able to:

  • 1) Understand and apply the fundamentals of ethical philosophy and theory (Compassion for self and others, Fairness/Equity)
  • 2) Demonstrate critical and analytical thinking skills necessary to successfully identify and manage ethical decisions and dilemmas in management, both individually and as members of a team.(Emotion-based Decision-making)
  • 3) Produce written documents that express articulate, logical, and persuasive positions relating to complex ethical issues.(Honesty/Integrity/Authenticity)
  • 4) Develop and deliver effective oral presentations on business ethics topics using appropriate tools and technology.(Dyadic evaluation)

Truth is action

Business and Professional Ethics Dyads

You will be trained in the facilitation of Business and Professional Structured Dyads building structured experiences and deploy them in the class with a dyadic partner.

We have developed a platform that links participants in a dyadic relationship to develop skills virtually with each other. We use cutting-edge technology, in addition to clinical and social psychological tools, as well as psychometric evaluation to not only measure impact in terms of

  1. Compassion
  2. Self compassion
  3. Stress
  4. Anxiety
  5. Depression

As importantly, we also measure vocational and occupational outcomes to ensure we can show a direct relationship between compassion and professional outcomes. Courses and cohorts will be listed below soon.

  • Length:

    18-hour virtual leadership training experience delivered over 8 weeks in a dyadic, peer to peer based course, guided by expert leadership content and guidance.

  • Location:

  • Tuition:

    *Contact us to learn more about volume pricing

Cohorts Starting Soon

There are no cohorts offered at the moment, Please check back later.

Psychometric Outcomes

Significantly Higher Levels of:

  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Service Orientation
  • Compassion for Self
  • Compassion for others
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Social Dominan Orientation

Significantly Lower Levels of:

Let's Get Started

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